Gujarati MediumEnglish MediumPrayogik


ક્રમનામધો-વર્ગ સ્પધૉનું નામસિદ્ધિ
1જરીવાલા નિષ્ઠા ૪-અ કતા
બ્રોન્ઝ મેડલ
2જોબનપુત્રા કૃપા ૪-અ કતા
બ્રોન્ઝ મેડલ
બ્રોન્ઝ મેડલ
3મકવાણા હર્ષિતા૭-અકુમિતેગોલ્ડ-મેડલ
4વૈધ દિશા૭-બકતા ગોલ્ડ-મેડલ
5ઓમલે વૈદે૭-બકતા
6વૈધ કૃતિકા૭-ડકુમિતેસિલ્વર-મેડલ


1રાણા ધ્વનિ નૌનેશ૮-બબેઝબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત
2મકવાણા હર્ષિતા વિજયભાઈ૭-અબેઝબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત
3દુબે રાશી રાકેશભાઈ૭-બબેઝબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત
4કાતરીયા દ્રષ્ટી જગદીશભાઈ૭-અબેઝબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત
5પવાર દ્રષ્ટી રીન્કેશભાઈ૮-અબેઝબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત
6નાયડુ ખુશી દીપકભાઈ૮-કબેઝબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત
7કદમ હેત્વી રાકેશભાઈ૮-અબેઝબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત
8પટેલ શ્રેયા કિશોરભાઈ૮-અબેઝબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત
9પોર્ટે કૃપા ગંગારામ૭-અબેઝબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત
10ચૌધરી સુહાની કિરણભાઈ૭-અબેઝબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત
11કાપડીયા ધ્વનિ કિશોરભાઈ૬-ડબેઝબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત


જિલ્લા કક્ષાએ વિજેતા વિદ્યાર્થિનીઓ

1રાણા ધ્વનિ નૌનેશ૮-બથ્રોબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત
2દુબે રાશી રાકેશભાઈ૭-બથ્રોબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત
3પવાર દ્રષ્ટી રીન્કેશભાઈ૮-અથ્રોબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત
4ચૌધરી સુહાની કિરણભાઈ૭-અથ્રોબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત
5કાપડીયા ધ્વનિ કિશોરભાઈ૬-બથ્રોબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત
6બબઇવાલા મીસરી અનિલભાઈ૬-ડથ્રોબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત
7જરીવાલા સેફાલી અજયભાઈ૭-કથ્રોબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત
8જરીવાલા ઈશિકા નીલેશભાઈ૭-કથ્રોબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત
9પંચોલી ખુશી નરેશભાઈ૮-બથ્રોબોલદ્વિતીયસુરત

રાજ્યક્ક્ષાની સ્પર્ધામાં પસંદગી થઈ રમવા જનાર વિદ્યાર્થિનીઓ

1પવાર દ્રષ્ટી રીન્કેશભાઈ૮-અથ્રોબોલ
2જરીવાલા ઈશિકા નીલેશભાઈ૭-કથ્રોબોલ
3કાપડીયા ધ્વનિ કિશોરભાઈ૬-બથ્રોબોલ


ખેલમહાકુંભમાં વિજેતા વિદ્યાર્થિનીઓ

1શિંદે દામિની દીપકભાઈ૮-બલાંબી કૂદપ્રથમસુરત
2પારેખ દર્ષ્ટિ મનોજભાઈ૮-ડગોળા ફેંકતૃતીયસુરત
3સુથાર માહી વિનોદભાઈ૬-બગોળા ફેંકદ્વિતીયસુરત
4આરદેસણા પરી નરેન્દ્રભાઈ૭-બચક્ર ફેંકપ્રથમસુરત
5નાઈ ક્ષમા અનિલકુમાર૬-ડચક્ર ફેંકદ્વિતીયસુરત


રાજ્યકક્ષા એરોબિક જિમ્નાસ્ટિક એશિયનકપ -૨૦૧૮-૨૦૧૯

ક્રમનામધો-વર્ગજિમ્નાસ્ટિક -રમતમેડલસ્થળ
1પટેલ વિશ્વા ભદ્રેશભાઈ૭-બમીક્સપેરઇવેન્ટગોલ્ડમરોલી
Individual સિલ્વર


ક્રમનામધો-વર્ગજિમ્નાસ્ટિક રમતમેડલસ્થળ
1પટેલ વિશ્વા ભદ્રેશભાઈ૭-બમીક્સપેરઇવેન્ટસિલ્વરમંગોલિયા

આંતરશાળા સ્પર્ધા

ક્રમસ્પર્ધાનું નામમેળવેલ ક્રમાંક
1અણુવ્રત ગાન સ્પર્ધાતૃતીય
2સલાડ ડેકોરેશનતૃતીય
3સુરત ચેનલ આયોજિત સંગીત સ્પર્ધાદ્વિતીય
4ભારતીય જ્ઞાન સંસ્કૃતિ પરીક્ષાસુરતમાં આગળના સ્ટેજની પરીક્ષા આપવા સિલેક્ટ થયા

આંતરશાળા સ્પર્ધા હું પણ બનું RJ’


INTER-SCHOOL COMPETITIONS/ACHIEVEMENTS [Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Suart A.Y. 2023-24]

[Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Suart A.Y. 2023-24]
12023-05-28 00:00:00Gujarat's Top Model Season-4 9 colors event Parmar Swara Dhavalbhai7-AParticipate
Title- Best stylemanagement
2Ist Inter Class GymnasticSwasthyam GymnasticParmar Swara Dhavalbhai7-A2nd
32023-06-04 00:00:00Cycling Association of Surat District (Girls Shakti Group of Bhavya Jignesh Lakdawala8-D 2nd
Road Cycling Championship 2023)Companies
42023-06-11 00:00:00400m I.M SwimmingSuart District AquaticBhavya Jignesh Lakdawala8-D 2nd
52023-06-11 00:00:00100mt (Breast Stroke) District SwimmingSuart District AquaticBhavya Jignesh Lakdawala8-D 2nd
62023-06-11 00:00:00200mt (Breast Stroke) District SwimmingSuart District AquaticBhavya Jignesh Lakdawala8-D 2nd
72023-06-11 00:00:00100mt Back Stroke SwimmingSuart District AquaticBhavya Jignesh Lakdawala8-D 2nd
82023-06-11 00:00:00200mt Free style SwimmingSuart District AquaticBhavya Jignesh Lakdawala8-D 2nd
92023-06-10 00:00:00Quiz CompetitionBajaj CapitalRuchi Kale4-CExemplary performance
102023-06-23 00:00:004x100mt Free style JuniorsGujarat State AquaticBhavya Jignesh Lakdawala8-D 2nd
2023-06-24 00:00:00Championships-2023
112023-07-22 00:00:00Rhythmic Yogasana Pair.(Sub Junior group)Surat Yogasana Sports Vakharia Aditi Nilesh6-C1st
2023-07-23 00:00:00Association
122023-08-11 00:00:00સુમન ખેલકૂદ કૌશલ્ય સંવર્ધન કાર્યક્રમ SMCMorya Niyati Narendra8-DParticipate
( જુડો પ્રથમ )સુરત મહાનગર પાલિકા
2023-08-11 00:00:00સુમન ખેલકૂદ કૌશલ્ય સંવર્ધન કાર્યક્રમ SMCIshika D Kale8-DParticipate
( જુડો પ્રથમ )સુરત મહાનગર પાલિકા
132023-07-08 00:00:00અભિનય ગીત સ્પર્ધા અખિલ હિંદ મહિલા પરિષદ Gajera Tisha B32nd
ગુજરાત શાખા આયોજિત
અલૂણા નિમિતે
142023-07-08 00:00:00બાળવાર્તા સ્પર્ધા અખિલ હિંદ મહિલા પરિષદ Patel Yashvi R51st
ગુજરાત શાખા આયોજિત
અલૂણા નિમિતે
182023-07-08 00:00:00અલૂણા વ્રત મહિમા વાર્તા સ્પર્ધા અખિલ હિંદ મહિલા પરિષદ Rekh Dhruvi P82nd
ગુજરાત શાખા આયોજિત
અલૂણા નિમિતે

Shotokan International Karate [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram A.Y. 2022-23]

On 9th February 2023 Shotokan International Karate Do Organisation India (Affiliated to Karate India Organisation) conducted an exam in which 20 students participated

We are proud to announce that all the participants clear the exam with flying colours and won different belts👇

Jr. White belt 02
Sr. White belt 05
Yellow belt 01
Orange belt 04
Green belt 04
Blue belt 03
Purple belt 01

Congratulations to all the winners

English Olympiad [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram A.Y. 2022-23]

Our school conducted 14th International English Olympiad conducted by Eduheal foundation (an International NGO ) in which 276 students participated.

We are proud to announce that out of total participants
10 girls got gold medal
7 girls got silver medal
14 girls got bronze medal

These girls are selected for Level 2 exam
Congratulations to the winner

Proud moment [Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) VanitaVishram A.Y. 2022-23]


Proud moment
Bhavyaa J Lakdawala from Std 7th participated in All India Sea Swimming competition held on 7th and 8 January 2023 at Porbandar .
We are proud to inform that she got 3rd rank in 1 km category with the timing of 16 minutes 40 seconds and also got 6th rank in 2 km category with the timing of 35 minutes 17 seconds
Congratulations to our shining Star Bhavyaa.

Proud moment [Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) VanitaVishram A.Y. 2022-23]

Proud moment
Our school took part in Geeta chanting competition conducted by “Chinmaya seva trust Surat” at zonal level on Friday 16th December in which nearly 17 schools from Surat participated in different categories.

We are proud to inform that
In group B
Gajera Tisha B. Std 2nd E got 1st rank
Gajera Keya B Std 3rd B got 2nd Rank
Gandhi Tisha A. Std 4th E got 5th consolation prize

In group C
Sonawane Krutika Std 6th E got 4th consolation prize
Congratulations to all the winners


Bal spardha competition conducted by SMC [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram A.Y. 2022-23]

Competitions are part of teaching learning process.

SMC organised inter school competitions at district level on Sunday 4th December at Gajera School, Katargam  :

We are proud to let you know that our students bagged prizes in the following different competitions.

(1)સર્જનાત્મક કારીગરી :

2nd Rank

Mansuri. Jazbiyahbanu. K.    Std  5

વિભાગ – અ.

2nd  Rank

Kariya Jiya R. Std 7 B

વિભાગ –  બ.


(2) ચિત્રકલા :

2nd Rank

Anjirwala. Twisa. R. 4-E

વિભાગ – અ

1st  Rank

Patel Janki  T. Std 7-D

વિભાગ – બ


(3) એક પાત્રીય અભિનય:

3rd Rank

Thakkar Somiya S.

Std 5-B

વિભાગ – અ


(૪) લોક વાદ્ય સંગીત:

2nd  Rank

Rekh Dhruvi P. Std 7-A

વિભાગ – બ

Proud moment [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram A.Y. 2022-23]

Our school took part in “Rangotsav Celebrations” organized by Organization for National Level Art Competition, Mumbai in different categories and we are happy to announce that out of 764 students 95 students won prize in different categories.

In collage making and greeting card making 2 girls got second prize at National level
In tattoo making, colouring and Cartoon making 4 girls got prizes at National level

35 students won gold medal
15 students won silver medal
17 students won bronze medal
14 students got merit award & 8 students got consolation prize

Congratulations to all the winners!!

Result of Avantika colouring competition [Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram A.Y. 2021-22]

We are proud to inform that in Avantika colouring competition conducted on 13th January 2022 in which more than 600 students from our school participated.

46 girls won gold medals, 23 girls won Silver Medal and 6 girls won bronze medal.

Also two girls got silver jubilee Award, and two girls got cash prize and four girls won Saroj Gupta award.

Congratulations to all the winners.

Shining star of Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram A.Y. 2021-22

Vala Devangi P. from Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram received consolation prize in Divya Bhasker junior editor competition. It was conducted in the month of November and approximately 25,000 students from all over Indian took part in it.

Congratulations to the shining star💐💐

Felicitation of girls selected for Byju’s round 2[ Dr. P .V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.)  Vanita Vishram A.Y.2021-22]

Our school girls participated in Discovery School super league competition powered by Byju’s on 8th and 9th September 2021 in which more than 60 lakh students participated from 23000 plus schools across 29 states in round 1, and we are proud to announce that two of our girls in sub junior and junior categories are selected for Round 2, and they were felicitated with the prize.

Congratulations to the winners.

The goodies sent by Byju’s were handed over to the winning girls by our principal mam.

Proud moment [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram A.Y. 2021-22]

There is no joy greater than seeing our students accomplishing what they have been hoping for and working toward fulfilling their dreams.

It was a moment of pride that Kachela Khayali, our student of Std. 8-A participated in India’s Got Talent and has set a Guinness Book of World Record for creating an 8 layer nail bed.

Heartiest congratulations to Kachela Khayali, her Martial art guru Mr. Vispy  and proud parents.

The school management, Principal and all wishing her good luck for her future endeavors.

Kala Mahotsav Competition [ Dr. P .V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.)  Vanita Vishram ] A.Y. 2021-22

Proud moment [ Dr.P.V.T.Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram A.Y. 2021-22]

One of our student Kachhela khayali, studying in 8A, will try to set a new Guinness book of world record in Martial Art. For this she would be attempting to break the existing record in the event being organised at Navsari on 4th   December 2021.

On behalf of all the management, principals, staff and students of Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ (E.M.) Vanita Vishram our principal Mrs. Rajul Mehta convey blessings for her success.


Dr.P.V.T.Primary Girls’ School(E.M.) Vanita Vishram,Surat
A.Y. 2021-22

Proud moment

One of our tiny star Parmar Swara D. from standard 5th displayed her dancing skill in “Josh competition” in front of famous celebrities Ajita Italiya ,Arvind Vegda, Mouni Roy ,Raghu and Rajiv at Surat. She was awarded a cash prize of Rs 10,000 in the competition.

Proud moment [Dr.P.V.T Primary Girls’ School (E.M)] Vanita Vishram, Surat  A.Y. 2022-23

 Proud moment
Our student Diva keyur Joshi from std 6th got 1st prize at district level in Lokvarta competition at Kala Mahakumbh on 12th September.


Academic Achievement

Competitive examinations have occupied significant place in the field of education in this era. To educate the students and make them aware of the system of these competitive exams and give them practice, every year the school participates in Olympiads.

“Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.”  Said Franklin Roosevelt.

**Prize Distribution Ceremony** [ Dr.P.V.T Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram, Surat  A.Y. 2024-25]

“Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ English Medium School, Vanita Vishram, Surat, proudly celebrated the **Prize Distribution Ceremony** on **25th February** to honor the hard work and achievements of our talented students. The event was filled with joy and motivation as young achievers were recognized for their excellence. Congratulations to all the winners! Keep shining and striving for success!

Proud Moment [Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram , Surat A.Y. 2024-25]

On *11th January 2025, our talented students participated in the **Chinmaya Geeta Chanting Competition* held at *Bharti Maiya School*.  **1278 students

* took part in this prestigious event, showcasing their dedication and excellence.

We are thrilled to share that *122 students* received awards, earning *medals, certificates, and sashes* for their outstanding performances!

Heartiest congratulations to all the participants and winners! Your hard work and devotion truly reflect the spirit of learning and perseverance. Keep shining!

Proud Moment [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2024-25]

Proud Moment We are glad to share that the student of our school, Baravaliya Vaishnavi from standard 2nd was awarded a cash prize of ₹10,000 along with a set of stationery items in the competition held by Pidilite on the theme “Wonders of Nature” which was held in Mumbai.


Rangotsav Colouring Competition [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2024-25]

We are proud to announce that total 1400 students participated in the Rangotsav Colouring Competition. Out of them 183 students emerged as winners, securing various positions in different categories:

First Prize: The winner received a trophy and a bicycle.

Second Prize: Two students were awarded a gold medal and a Camel Colouring kit.

Gold Medalists: 6 students.

Silver Medalists: 50 students.

Bronze Medalists: 41 students.

Consolation Prize: 24 students.

This event fostered creativity and provided an excellent platform for students to showcase their artistic talents.


Proud moment[Dr.P.V.T Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram, Surat  A.Y. 2024-25]

**Congratulations to Our Champions! **

We are thrilled to announce that our students from **Dr. P.V.T Primary Girls’ English Medium School, Vanita Vishram** have achieved remarkable success at the competitions hosted by TM Patel International School!

**1st Place** in the **Share & Shine** competition

**2nd Place** in the **Swift Sports Challenge**

**3rd Place** in the **Marketing Marvels** competition

We are incredibly proud of our talented students who have showcased their skills and determination. Kudos to everyone who participated and to the teachers for their guidance and support. This achievement is a testament to your hard work and dedication!

**Congratulations to all! ** Let’s continue to shine brightly!

Proud moment[Dr.P.V.T Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram, Surat  A.Y. 2024-25]

Congratulations to our talented students and dedicated teachers of Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ English medium school, Vanita Vishram

We are beaming with pride as two of our project secured the SECOND RANK at the science fair held at Fountainhead School!!

Your hard work, curiosity and passion for science have paid off, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!

Keep signing, keep exploring and keep making us proud!

Proud Moment [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2024-25]

” Proud moment for Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M), Vanita Vishram! Our talented student Fairy .S. Bhajikhav of 4th Std secured 1st position in Drawing Competition organised by “Channel Surat”.

Proud moment [Dr.P.V.T Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram, Surat  A.Y. 2023-24]

Our school conducted International Cyber Olympiad conducted by Eduheal foundation (an International NGO) in which 72 students participated.

We are proud to announce that out of total participants:

7 girls got gold medal

7girls got silver medal

4 girls got bronze medal

Congratulations to the winners.

Prize Distribution Ceremony [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2023-24]

Congratulations to all the talented students of Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M) on a successful Annual Prize Distribution event! It is inspiring to see students from Grade 1 to 8 who participated with enthusiasm in various competitions throughout the year. Their hard work, dedication, and achievements are truly commendable. We are proud to announce the different positions secured by girls.

1st position- 83 girls

2nd position -74 girls

3rd position – 53 girls

4th position – 50 girls

5th position- 49 girls

6th position – 47 girls

Keep shining bright!


15th International English Olympiad [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2023-24]

Our school conducted 15th International English Olympiad conducted by Eduheal foundation (an International NGO ) in which 327 students participated.

We are proud to announce that out of total participants

13 girls got gold medal

9 girls got silver medal

6 girls got bronze medal

Out of these 276 girls are selected for Level 2 exam

Congratulations to the winners.

Proud Moment [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2023-24]

We are thrilled to announce that the students of Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M) shone bright at the Science Fair organized by Fountainhead School! We feel proud to announce that our Grade 8 team secured first position with their innovative project on “Ecocity,” showcasing sustainable energy use. Not stopping there, our Grade 7 team received appreciation for their sustainable agriculture and water conservation project to all the students and mentors involved!

Proud Moment [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2023-24]

Celebrating a remarkable achievement! Miss Dipali Daliya, one of the ex-student of Dr.P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram soared to new heights, becoming the youngest female pilot in Surat. Her accomplishment not only fulfills her parents’ dreams but also makes our school proud. She is a shining star, inspiring us all.  Alumni


Shri Gita Prerna Competition[Dr.P.V.T Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram, Surat  A.Y. 2023-24]

 Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M)Vanita Vishram students had participated at State level Shri Gita Prerna competition held by Sat Prerna Trust, Gandhinagar.


Rangotsav Colouring Competition[Dr.P.V.T Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram, Surat  A.Y. 2023-24]

Congratulations to the Winners of Rangotsav Colouring Competition, A.Y. – 2023 -24.

Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram. Out of 956 talented students these exceptional girls stood out ! Special Kudos to the Silver Slide achievers and the Roller Skates Winners. Your creativity and addition truly shone.

Let’s celebrate their achievements together!

Competition shines  list

Second prize -2 Students

Third prize -1 Student

Fourth price -3 Students

Art Merit award – (trophy)-6 Students

Gold medal – 70 Students

Bronze medal -15 students

Consolation prize- 14 Students

Geeta Chanting Competition [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2023-24]

Chinmay Seva Trust had organised Geeta Chanting Competition 2023 @’Zonal level’. Almost 19 schools had participated. We feel proud to announce that the students of Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M) secured position in different Groups. *1. Gajera Tisha secured *1st* position in B group,

*2. Sonawane Krutika* *secured* *5th* position in C group

*3. Vadera Himanshi* *secured* *3rd* position in D group.

Proud Moment [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2023-24]

Different Inter School Competitions were organised by D R Rana School. It is proud to announce that Jalan Darshini form std 8 Secured 1st position in Gujarati Essay Writing Competition, Dhara Titihi secured 1st position and Jariwala Bhakti secured 2nd position in Drawing Competition.


15/28/2023Gujarat's Top Model Season-4 9 colors event Parmar Swara Dhavalbhai7-AParticipate
Title- Best stylemanagement
2Ist Inter Class GymnasticSwasthyam GymnasticParmar Swara Dhavalbhai7-A2nd
36/4/2023Cycling Association of Surat District (Girls Shakti Group of Bhavya Jignesh Lakdawala8-D 2nd
Road Cycling Championship 2023)Companies
46/11/2023400m I.M SwimmingSuart District AquaticBhavya Jignesh Lakdawala8-D 2nd
56/11/2023100mt (Breast Stroke) District SwimmingSuart District AquaticBhavya Jignesh Lakdawala8-D 2nd
66/11/2023200mt (Breast Stroke) District SwimmingSuart District AquaticBhavya Jignesh Lakdawala8-D 2nd
76/11/2023100mt Back Stroke SwimmingSuart District AquaticBhavya Jignesh Lakdawala8-D 2nd
86/11/2023200mt Free style SwimmingSuart District AquaticBhavya Jignesh Lakdawala8-D 2nd
96/10/2023Quiz CompetitionBajaj CapitalRuchi Kale4-CExemplary performance
106/23/20234x100mt Free style JuniorsGujarat State AquaticBhavya Jignesh Lakdawala8-D 2nd
117/22/2023Rhythmic Yogasana Pair.(Sub Junior group)Surat Yogasana Sports Vakharia Aditi Nilesh6-C1st
128/11/2023સુમન ખેલકૂદ કૌશલ્ય સંવર્ધન કાર્યક્રમ SMCMorya Niyati Narendra8-D Participate
( જુડો પ્રથમ )સુરત મહાનગર પાલિકા
8/11/2023સુમન ખેલકૂદ કૌશલ્ય સંવર્ધન કાર્યક્રમ SMCIshika D Kale8-D Participate
( જુડો પ્રથમ )સુરત મહાનગર પાલિકા
137/8/2023અભિનય ગીત સ્પર્ધા અખિલ હિંદ મહિલા પરિષદ Gajera Tisha B32nd
ગુજરાત શાખા આયોજિત
અલૂણા નિમિતે
147/8/2023બાળવાર્તા સ્પર્ધા અખિલ હિંદ મહિલા પરિષદ Patel Yashvi R51st
ગુજરાત શાખા આયોજિત
અલૂણા નિમિતે
187/8/2023અલૂણા વ્રત મહિમા વાર્તા સ્પર્ધા અખિલ હિંદ મહિલા પરિષદ Rekh Dhruvi P82nd
ગુજરાત શાખા આયોજિત
અલૂણા નિમિતે

Cultural Achievements – 




DateActivityConducted ByWinner's Name
28/07/2019Solo Singing Digamber Jain Group-Jian Diksha 3rd Prize
Cash Prize Rs 7100/-
31/08/2019Creative CollageT.M.Patel International School- Pandey Pragati
-Rughanta Shiddhi
2nd Prize


Academic Achievements –


Bhartiya Sanskriti Gyan Pratiyogita[ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2023-24]

Bhartiya Sanskriti Gyan Pratiyogita was held by Akhil Vishwa Gayatri Parivar, Haridwar on 23rd September, 2023. Total 236 students of Dr.P.V.T. Primary Girls ‘ School (E.M.) had participated in it. Out of that these exceptional girls stood out!


Proud moment[Dr.P.V.T Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram, Surat  A.Y. 2023-24]

District Level Drawing Competition was held by BSNL on 30th September. Almost 70 schools had participated. It is proud to announce that our student Dhara Biswajit Tithi from std 5th secured First position.

Proud moment[Dr.P.V.T Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2023-24]

Congratulations to the Students and teachers of Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M) for their outstanding participation in the 7th Inter school “Bal Vaigyanik Pradarshan- 2023”. Organised by Sarvjanik Education Society. They participated in three sections and secured 2nd Rank in

Theme :- *Lifestyle For Environment*

Project Name :- *Eco City*

Winners at Fountain Head School-

121/12/2019Varli Painting Gond ArdFountainhead School-Loladia Tanzim (I)
-Mohata Rakhi (I)
221/12/2019Mehandi Compition in Grade 4 to 6Fountainhead School-Sharma Mahima (II)
321/12/2019Mehandi Compition in Grade 7 to 9Fountainhead School-Nayak Riya (II)
421/12/2019Mine ActFountainhead School-Rawal Rashi (II)
521/12/2019Mask Making CompetitionFountainhead School-Pandey Pragati (I)
-Patel Parthvi (II)
621/12/2019Indian Classical DanceFountainhead School-Pradhan Itishree (II)
721/12/2019Mono ActFountainhead School-Sonanitwala Janvi (II)
821/12/2019Group DanceFountainhead SchoolII Prize
921/12/2019Street DramaFountainhead SchoolII Prize
DateActivityConducted ByWinner's Name
Maths Olympiad NSOPatel Prayusha - Cash Prize Rs 5,000/-
13/07/2019DrawingSurat Channel and Divya BhaskarPatel Janki - 4th Prize
Patel Yashvi - Consolation
06/08/2019Science Elocution/ PPTGUJCOSTGodil Matifah - 4th Prize
24/09/2019English Elocution Competition S.D.Jain International SchoolGodil Matifah - 1st Prize - Group A
Lenwala Aastha - 2nd Prize- Group B
PPTGUJCOSTSharma Rakshita - 1st Prize - Selected for State Level
08/12/2019Discovery School Super League BYJU'SToppers
-Shtuti Jogani
-Bhoomika S
-Jasani Shrushti
-Soni Ritika
-Khangriwal Prachi
2 Students were selected for Round 2
-Jasani Shrushti
-Soni Ritika
Sports Achievement
  • “There is no elevator to success; you have to take the stairs.”

The sports girls of Dr. PVT Primary Girls’ School (English Medium) are shining stars who have brought laurels to the school at city, zone, state and national level.

Proud Moment [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2024-25]

Congratulations to the students of Dr. PVT Primary Girls’ English Medium School! Our talented athletes secured the second position at the State Level Rugby Sports Competition in Anand. They were honored with a cash prize and certificates for their outstanding performance. We are incredibly proud of their dedication and hard work. Go team!

Proud moment[Dr.P.V.T Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram, Surat  A.Y. 2023-24]

Proud Moment.

Surat Diamond Bourse organised State Level Cycling Champanionship. It is proud to announce that Lakdawala Bhavya – Std 8th of Dr P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M) secured 2nd position. (Age group Under 17)


Proud moment[Dr.P.V.T Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram, Surat  A.Y. 2023-24]

PROUD Moment..Lakdawala Bhavya from std 8 secured 3rd position in SGFI State Level Swimming Competition held in Rajkot on 24th and 25th October’23

Proud Moment [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2023-24]

SGFI KARATE TOURNAMENT 2023 [Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Suart A.Y. 2023-24]

10th SURAT DISTRICT SHOTOKAN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP-2023 [Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Suart A.Y. 2023-24]

Sports Achievements 2019-20

DateActivityConducted ByWinner's Name
07/09/2019Mini GolfState Level Golf Competition (Baroda)Randan Sanika
Selected for National Level
07/09/2019Tennis Cricket-Under 14Khel Maha Kumbh3rd Prize
5 students were selected for National Level
09/09/2019HandballKhel Maha Kumbh1st Prize
All participant received Cash Prize of RS1500 /-
Rope SkippingKhel Maha Kumbh8 Students were selected for National Level
01/12/2019KarateShotokan Karate Championship-2019-3 Students won Gold Medal
-3 Students won Silver Medal
-1 Students won Bronze Medal
01/12/2019Karate2nd All Gujarat Girls and Boys Karate State Level Championship-2019-3 Students won Gold Medal
-5 Students won Bronze Medal
All Participants received Gifts.

Teachers Achievement
  •  Mrs. Amisha Desai witnessed the function organized by Vikas Jariwala & team on “ The Most Layers on Bed of Nails Female” which was recognized by Guinness Book of World Record.
  • During Navratri festival, Mrs. Amisha Desai won 2nd Price at Anavil Yuva Sangathan Sogayo.
  • Diksha Vaidya participated and won a gift prize in Byjus online General knowledge quiz competition on 15th Dec, 2018.

વિશ્વ ગુજરાતી ભાષા દિવસ નિમિત્તે મુંબઈ ગુજરાતી સંગઠન દ્વારા આયોજીત  બાળગીત ઉત્સવના પરિણામની જાહેરાત…….
વનિતા વિશ્રામ પ્રાયોગિક શાળાની પ્રસ્તુતિ ” કોઈ કહો ને… બાળકોની વ્યથા દર્શાવતા ગીતને  ખૂબ જ સુંદર રીતે તાલ સાથે  રજૂ કરનાર  વનિતા વિશ્રામ પ્રાયોગિક શાળાની બાળાઓના સમૂહગીતને  ૧૫૦ શાળામાંથી દ્વિતીય નંબર પ્રાપ્ત થયો છે..🏆

હિન્દુ મિલન મંદિરના ઉપક્રમે યોજાયેલ  વિજ્ઞાન નિબંધ સ્પર્ધામાં વનિતા વિશ્રામ પ્રાયોગિક શાળાની વિદ્યાર્થીનીની  અનેરી સિદ્ધિ…
હિન્દુ મિલન મંદિરના ઉપક્રમે યોજાયેલ  વિજ્ઞાન નિબંધ સ્પર્ધામાં વનિતા વિશ્રામ પ્રાયોગિક શાળામાં ધોરણ -8માં અભ્યાસ કરતી વિદ્યાર્થીની રાણા રોશની મયુરભાઈએ 12 થી 15ની વયજૂથમાં ભાગ લીધો હતો. જેમાં તેણે દ્વિતીય ક્રમાંક પ્રાપ્ત કર્યો છે. દ્વિતીય ક્રમાંક મેળવતા તેનું મેડલ તેમજ પ્રમાણપત્ર દ્વારા સન્માન કરાયું હતું . રોશનીએ વિજ્ઞાન નિબંધ સ્પર્ધા જીતીને શાળા તેમજ અને પોતાના પરિવારનું ઝળહળતું ગૌરવ બની નામ રોશન કર્યુ છે. આ યશસ્વી સફળતા બદલ શાળાના આચાર્યા ગૌરીબેન અને શાળા પરિવારે અભિનંદન પાઠવ્યા છે. આવી જ રીતે જીવનમાં ઉત્તરોત્તર પ્રગતિ કરી ઉજ્જ્વળ સફળતા પ્રાપ્ત કરે તેવી શુભેચ્છાઓ પાઠવી છે.

જીલ્લા કક્ષા ક્યું.ડી.સી કક્ષાના કલા ઉત્સવમાં “વાર્તા નિર્માણ  “સ્પર્ધામાં શાળાની વિદ્યાર્થીની પ્રથમ ક્રમાંકે….
ગાંધીનગર શિક્ષણ વિભાગ અને GCERT પ્રેરિત જિલ્લા શિક્ષણ અને તાલીમ ભવન,સુરતમાં તા -0૮/0૮/૨૩ના રોજ ક્યું.ડી.સી કક્ષાનો કલા ઉત્સવ યોજવામાં આવ્યો હતો. જેમાં વિવિધ સ્પર્ધામાં શાળા કક્ષાએ પ્રથમ આવેલ વિદ્યાર્થીઓએ ભાગ લીધો હતો.જેમાં ક્યુ.ડી.સી કક્ષાએ પ્રથમ ત્રણ નંબર આપવામાં આવ્યા હતા. જેમાં વનિતા વિશ્રામ પ્રાયોગિક શાળાની વિદ્યાર્થીની શિમ્પી કૃતિકા “વાર્તા નિર્માણ  “સ્પર્ધામાં પ્રથમ નંબર મેળવી શાળાનું ગૌરવ વધાર્યું છે.આગળ પણ નંબર મેળવી કૃતિકાનું ભવિષ્ય ઉજળું બને તેવી શાળા પરિવાર તરફથી શુભેચ્છા….😇


Academic Year 2019-20

>>Inspire Award

  • ભારત સરકાર પ્રોત્સાહક યોજના Inspire Awardમાં અત્રેની શાળાની પસંદગી થઈ છે. જેમાં ૩ પ્રોજેક્ટ રજૂ કરાયા. જે ત્રણ વિદ્યાર્થીનીઓને રૂપિયા ૧૦,૦૦૦/-  ઇનામરૂપે મળેલ છે.
  • જિલ્લા શિક્ષણ અને તાલીમ ભવન, સુરત ખાતે Inspire Award પ્રોજેક્ટનું પ્રદર્શન યોજાયું હતું, જેમાં અત્રેની શાળાએ પણ ભાગ લીધેલ હતો.
  • “ચિન્મય ગીતા શ્લોકગાન સ્પર્ધા”