Welcome to the new academic year 2024-25 [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2024-25]
Miss Sangeeta Desai’s farewell Ceremony [ Dr.P.V.T Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2023-24]
Prize Distribution Ceremony [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2023-24]
Farewell party for Grade 8 Students [Dr.P.V.T Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2023-24]
15th International English Olympiad [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2023-24]
National Science Day Celebration [ Dr. P.V.T. Primary Girls’ School (E.M.) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2023-24]