**Farewell to a Wonderful Mentor!** [ Dr.P.V.T Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2024-25]
**Farewell Ceremony for Std. 8 Students** [ Dr.P.V.T Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2024-25]
‘Best Out of Waste’ Competition[ Dr.P.V.T Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2024-25]
Bhagavad Gita Sloka Pathan Competition[ Dr.P.V.T Primary Girls’ School (E.M) Vanita Vishram, Surat A.Y. 2024-25]